HackeRnews - specification

Hacker News

The hackeRnews package was created in order to simplify the process of getting data from Hacker News. Hacker News is a user-generated content website that focuses on stories related to computer science. The website is composed of user submitted stories where each one provides a link to the original data source. Moreover, users have the ability to upvote a story if they have found it interesting. Each story contains a comment section which allows users to discuss about the presented subject. Besides news stories Hacker News contains the following sections:

  • ‘Ask’ section where users can ask questions to the Hacker News community
  • ‘Show’ section where users can share something that they have created
  • ‘Jobs’ section where users can browse job offers

Hacker News API

The Hacker News API official documentation can be found here. The API serves data in JSON format. The hackeRnews package allows the retrieve this data in form of convenient R objects. Each object (story, comment, …) has a unique id and can be retrieved using this id. The API also provides a way to fetch up to 500 top and new stories, latest best stories, ask stories, show stories and job stories.

Examples of using the hackeRnews package to retrieve data from the official Hacker News API are presented below:

hackeRnews usage


news stories

To fetch best/new/top stories the user can use the get_*_stories function. Each function takes one optional argument max_items that limits the number of returned stories.

For example to fetch the top 5 best stories:

best_stories <- get_best_stories(max_items=5)
#> List of 9
#>  $ by         : chr "yakkomajuri"
#>  $ descendants: int 5012
#>  $ id         : int 43208973
#>  $ kids       : int [1:315] 43211356 43209941 43211344 43210652 43209703 43217633 43212098 43209044 43209013 43215010 ...
#>  $ score      : int 2910
#>  $ time       : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2025-02-28 18:49:46"
#>  $ title      : chr "Zelensky leaves White House after angry meeting"
#>  $ type       : chr "story"
#>  $ url        : chr "https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c625ex282zzt"
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr "hn_item"

There is a method that allows to fetch just raw ids of best/new/top stories as well get_*_stories_ids()

best_stories_ids <- get_best_stories_ids()
best_stories_ids[1:5] # output truncated for legibility
#> [1] 43208973 43163011 43128253 43186406 43150085

ask / job / show stories

Similar to news stories. There are get_latest_*_stories that returns latest * stories and get_latest_*_stories_ids that returns latest * stories ids.

For example to fetch the 3 latest ask stories:

ask_stories <- get_latest_ask_stories(max_items=3)
#> List of 9
#>  $ by         : chr "fuzztester"
#>  $ descendants: int 379
#>  $ id         : int 43223162
#>  $ kids       : int [1:110] 43257785 43249192 43252279 43249223 43255269 43229675 43253784 43251109 43230879 43227594 ...
#>  $ score      : int 261
#>  $ text       : chr "Less popular or less commonly used ones.<p>By that, I mean, not including the usual suspects, such as C, C++, R"| __truncated__
#>  $ time       : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2025-03-01 20:11:15"
#>  $ title      : chr "Ask HN: What less-popular systems programming language are you using?"
#>  $ type       : chr "story"
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr "hn_item"


The discussion in story threads is represented as system of comments. Each story has top level comments ids stored under the kids property. Each comment post can have it’s own set of comments ids under kids property (sub-comments) and so on. In order to retrieve all of the comments of a specific story, just use the get_comments function.

top_story <- get_top_stories(max_items=1)[[1]]
#> # A tibble: 24 × 7
#>          id deleted by            time                text          dead  parent
#>       <int> <lgl>   <chr>         <dttm>              <chr>         <lgl>  <int>
#>  1 43261907 FALSE   johntitorjr   2025-03-05 02:31:00 "If I spun t… FALSE 4.33e7
#>  2 43262026 FALSE   VladVladikoff 2025-03-05 02:47:51 "I have some… FALSE 4.33e7
#>  3 43261983 FALSE   jwr           2025-03-05 02:42:34 "So happy to… FALSE 4.33e7
#>  4 43261959 FALSE   linsomniac    2025-03-05 02:38:38 "With that t… FALSE 4.33e7
#>  5 43262105 FALSE   tekknolagi    2025-03-05 03:00:21 "Can I use t… FALSE 4.33e7
#>  6 43261821 FALSE   durakot       2025-03-05 02:17:16 "It&#x27;s c… FALSE 4.33e7
#>  7 43262072 FALSE   m00dy         2025-03-05 02:55:19 "It claims t… FALSE 4.33e7
#>  8 43262213 FALSE   linwangg      2025-03-05 03:15:07 "[dead]"      TRUE  4.33e7
#>  9 43262151 FALSE   dtagames      2025-03-05 03:07:10 "Don&#x27;t … FALSE 4.33e7
#> 10 43261946 FALSE   durakot       2025-03-05 02:36:07 "Yes, but it… FALSE 4.33e7
#> # ℹ 14 more rows


To fetch data about user ‘jl’ just use the get_user_by_username function:

user <- get_user_by_username('jl')
#> List of 5
#>  $ about    : chr "This is a test"
#>  $ created  : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2007-03-15 01:50:46"
#>  $ id       : chr "jl"
#>  $ karma    : int 4307
#>  $ submitted: int [1:850] 35686379 35675818 25172559 25172553 19464269 18498213 16659709 16659632 16659556 14237416 ...
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr "hn_user"

all items / latest items

It’s possible to iterate over latest items by fetching the id of the latest item by using the get_max_item_id function and then walking backwards to discover latest items. Using that method it’s possible to fetch all items on Hacker News.

For example to fetch 10 latest items:

max_item_id <- get_max_item_id()
latest_items <- get_items_by_ids(seq(max_item_id, max_item_id - 10))


Latest items and profile changes can be retrieved using get_updates

updates <- get_updates()
updates$profiles[1:5] # output truncated for legibility
#> [1] "s3ctor8"        "throwaway48476" "pragma_x"       "dataflow"      
#> [5] "alabastervlog"
updates$items[1:5]    # output truncated for legibility
#> [1] 43262190 43209997 43261728 43261994 43262053